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Q: Why were Scottish people living in England not given the right to vote in the referendum?
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When will Scotland become independent?

When a majority of Scottish people vote for full independence in a referendum.

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What country is planning to hold a referendum to sever itself from great Britain?

Scotland held a referendum in 2015 to decide if the Scottish people wanted Scotland to become an independent country or remain part of the United Kingdom. Around 52% voted to remain part of the UK. However, the Scottish government is pressing for another referendum.

How was Scottish Independence Gained?

Scottish Independence hasn't yet been gained. Scotland is still part of the United Kingdom. The SNP, Scottish National Party, have promised the people of Scotland a referendum on Scottish independence but it hasn't happened yet.

Why does Scottish insist on independence?

A referendum in Scotland in September 2014 decided that the Scottish people would rather not have independence from the rest of the UK. However, around 1.6 million people voted for independence and 2 million for the status quo.

Is Scotland still part of the UK?

No. Scotland is one of the four countries that make up the UK along with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. There will be an independence referendum in 2014 to decide if Scotland should become a separate country.

Are Scottish people English?

People from Scotland are Scottish whilst people from England are English.Both Scotland and England are part of the United Kingdom, or Britain, so they are both British.

Why did Scottish people want their own Parliament?

There were lots of reasons. The final push towards the 1979 referendum was the discovery of oil in the North Sea. Scots felt they weren't benefiting from the discovery as much as they should have been.Leading up to the 1997 referendum there was the introduction of the poll tax. While England was doing well, unemployment had soared in Scotland. Decisions being made in Westminster were not benifiting Scotland in the slightest.

Are there more people in Brazil than England?

no there are more people living in england

How many scottish people live in England?

As Scotland and England are both part of the United Kingdom, freedom of movement between the two countries is unrestricted so it is unlikely that there are any official records. You can find this information by checking the last British Census.

What are example sentences of referendum?

Australia held a referendum to determine whether it would become a republic. How people vote in a euro referendum is not an issue for CA. Referendum was held to determine whether people should smoke or not.

Why are some people in favour of scottish independance?

Until 1707, Scotland was an independent country. Since then it has been part of the United Kingdom along with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It's current status is similar to individual states within the United States but many Scottish people have retained their national identity. In a recent referendum, around 45% of the Scottish electorate voted to secede from the UK and become an independent country again.