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the founding fathers wanted to keep the common people from making a mistake

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Q: Why were Senate and electoral college established?
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Related questions

Does the electoral college select the senate?

No, however the electoral college has the honor to select the president and the vice president

When the electoral college established what powers did it have?

to vote

What document established the electoral college?

The United States Constitution

Constitutional system to elect the president?

Electoral Collage... this system established by the Constitution to elect the president.

What group meets to elect the President?

This group is the electoral college.

How does a state know how many electoral votes they have?

The electoral college vote for any state is the total number of congress people they have. So, house # + 2 from senate

Does the electoral college select the US Supreme Court justices?

No. The electoral college casts the official ballots in a Presidential election. US Supreme Court justices are not elected; they are appointed by the President and must be approved by the Senate.

How did the term electoral college come into use?

It's been around since it was established in us and fedral state consitution it says : These electors came to be known as the Electoral College but the Constitution itself does not mention the term electoral college

Where do each states electoral college votes go?

They are sent to the president of the Senate who in a joint session of Congress opens and counts them.

Who ellects the president of the US?

The electoral college

Does the US Senate chose the president in case of a nonmajority vote?

No. The Senate never chooses the President. The House of Representatives does, if the nobody win a majority in the electoral college. (See the related question.)

When voters cast ballots in November for those leaders they are actually are electing a group of representatives to what?

In addition to election people to fill Congressional seats in the House and Senate, they will be electing representatives to the Electoral College. The Electoral College will cast the votes that elect the President.