

Why were lice feared?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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They were, and still are, feared because they are bugs that just get into your hair and make you itch! People use to think that only dirty people get lice, but actually, anyone can get lice. They like clean hair the best, cause they can walk around better.

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Rats and lice in world war 1?

Rats and Lice caused great distress among the soldier. Many of men were deeply afraid of them and feared going to sleep. The lice caused itchy sores, which were most common around the neck, wrists and ankles. Lice also spread disease and caused serious, fatal illnesses like typhus. Lice also got the blame for trench fever, which was a problem that affected both sides. Men got influenza and a high fever for 3-5 days. The lice laid hundreds of eggs in clothes and it was an especially hard job for Scottish soldiers as many of them wore kilts. Lice nested and thrived in the seams and folds of the kilt. The only way to get rid of them was to use a candle to pop them away.

What is the term meaning an infestation of body lice is?

Pediculosis this is an infestation of lice whether it be body lice, pubic lice or head lice.

What can lice be mistaken as?

Lice Eggs and Lice Nits are usually mistaken as Dandruff and Dandruff is usually mistaken as Lice Eggs and Lice Nits

Can dogs get nits?

no dogs can not get lice they can only get a different lice which is dog lice not head lice which humans get so basically no dogs can NOT get nits (lice)

Do you say Lice is or lice are?

"Louse" is the singular form; the plural is "lice".

Can dogs get lice?

Yes, dogs can get lice but , lice is more human related.

Is people lice the same as swine lice?

No swine lice is species specific

How do you prevent head lice?

Buy lice shampoo that helps and prevents lice.

Do dogs get lice?

yes they do get lice.

Do africans have lice?

ANYONE can have lice

Do baby deer have lice?

They certainly aren't born with lice, they get the lice from their dams if the doe is already infested with lice herself.

What is lice in plural form?

Still lice the plural form is the same as the singular form