

Why were mince pies banned?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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15y ago

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In 1657, Lord Oliver Cromwell, the self-proclaimed Lord Protector of England from 1649 until 1658, hated Christmas and declared it a pagan holiday, not sanctioned by The Bible. Festivals that promoted gluttony and drunkenness were against the righteous Christian ethics. Cromwell's Puritan Council abolished Christmas on December 22, 1657. In London and all across England, Cromwell's soldiers were directed to take, by force if necessary, any foods being cooked for any Christmas celebration. The smell of goose being cooked in December could mean big trouble to a hapless family. Cromwell considered pies as a guilty, forbidden Pagan pleasure. The traditional mincemeat pie was banned. King Charles II restored Christmas when he ascended the throne in 1660.

In 1659, Oliver Cromwell's Puritan influence had spread across the Atlantic Ocean to American British Colonies, and many towns in New England went so far as to actually ban mincemeat pies at Christmas time. Christmas was actually banned in Boston from 1659 to 1681. Those celebrating it were fined and jailed.

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What did mince pies used to have in them?

pigs nose

Why is a mince pie called a mince pie?

ecause they were originally made from mince meat:A mince pie (sometimes also minced, minced meat, or mincemeat pie) is a British festive sweet pastry, traditionally consumed during the Christmas and New Year period. Mince pies normally have a pastry top, but versions may also be found without the top in which case they are known as mince tarts. Mince pies are filled with mincemeat - a preserve typically containing apple, dried fruits such as raisins and sultanas, spices, and either suet or vegetable shortening.[1] Modern mince pies typically do not contain any meat, but because suet is raw beef or mutton fat, mince pies made with suet are not suitable for vegetarians. Individual mince pies are usually 6-7.5 cm (2.5-3 inches) in diameter, although larger mince pies, suitable for slicing, may also be baked.

Where do mince pies get their name from?

There is a difference between what you call a mince pie. For the sake of this answer, we will look at the Christmas mince pie which is consumed around the holiday period. The Christmas mince pie does not contain mince although it does contain meat in the form of suet which is beef fat. Christmas mince pies contain, dried fruit and spices and originate from the coronation of King Henry V in 1413.They were banned by Oliver Cromwell and when they returned they were reduced in size to what you eat today, usually 6 - 7.5cm's. Out of interest... The government of Pitt the younger formed on 18 December 1783 was satirically dubbed the mince-pie administration as it was widely believed that it would not last until Christmas.

How long do homemade mince pies keep for?

2 days

What were mince pies originally made to symbolise?

Christs Birthday