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This is kinda complitcated but basically there are...

THE ACCUSERS - teenage girls (samuel's daughter&niece in this group!)

THE ACCUSED - a group of women

THE MINISTER - Samuel Parris

HUSBANDS OF THE ACCUSED - group of men all AGAINST Samuel Parris

The Salem witch trials would be unfair because Samuel Parris is against the accused/husbands the people that are being tried. WHICH MEANS the magistrates would be biased because he supports Samuel Parris

If you don't get it read Salem (a play) or watch the crucible

DON'T READ THE CRUCIBLE, it's fiction not much of it is based on the real events from the time.

The Salem trials were actually fair. The legal preceedings were comparable to a civil court today and the judges were biased for and against Parris. They sort of agreed about witches, but no one liked Parris.

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Let's be clear, the Puritans were also the ones doing the mistreating. Hysteria swept the community because of the religion they followed and the only thing they could think to do was blame witches for what was going on. With no real witches, people thought to be witches were all there were.

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Q: Why were puritans mistreated during the Salem witch trials?
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They aren't. The witch trials are not an example of religious discrimination. Puritans accused fellow Puritans of being witches. It was Puritans accusing Wiccans or Catholics or any different religious group.

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Obviously, the Salem Witch Trials tried a very different crime. But, other than that, the Salem Trials were very much like a normal civil trial today.