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In the period known as the Antebellum Period (approx. 1790-1860), slavery rarely occurred in Northern states because it was illegal there. These states started to ban slavery just after the passing of the Constitution and the end of the Revolutionary war, starting with Vermont in 1777. Besides the ethical reasons for ending slavery, it was also no longer necessary in the North because the Northern economy was rather industrial as opposed to the largely agricultural Southern economy which relied on slave power to make it profitable for slave owners.

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Q: Why were so few slaves in the northern parts of the US prior to civil war?
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The African slaves were totally disenfranchised before the Civil War. They had no rights. They were basically treated like animals, and died by the masses.

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Slaves and women had the right to vote.

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The main purpose of issuing the Emancipation Proclamation was international propaganda, as it had no actual effect in either the north or the south as written. It freed no slaves in northern slave states still loyal to the Union and although it declared the slaves to be free in those states then in rebellion against the Union there was no means available to enforce it. Thus all slaves prior to the Emancipation Proclamation still remained in slavery after it. Only after the Civil War was over did Union soldiers have the ability to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation in the south. The slaves in the northern states that did not rebel still remained slaves until the Thirteenth Amendment completely abolished slavery (as the Emancipation Proclamation explicitly left them slaves to prevent having those states rebel too during the Civil War).

Which side did the US support during civil war?

President Truman had made a statement on June 27,1950 ordering the U.S air and sea forces to give the South Korean regime support

Number of enslaved people in the north and south?

The approximate number of slaves in the United States prior to, and during the US Civil War was close to 4.5 million.

How were free African Americans really not free?

In many cases, free African Americans were not wholly free. At some points prior to the Civil War, former slaves that had escaped could be recaptured, and after the Civil War, free slaves were limited in their career options, the locations of their homes, and even in where they could shop.

Why did northern workers oppose abolitionists prior to the civil war?

The Abolitionists were anti-slavery. The advocated for enslaved African Americans in the south. This upset the northern factory workers, because they were basically slaves themselves. They lived in factory communities(apartment blocks of sorts) worked 12-14hr shifts, and any money they made went towards buying food and paying for the apartments they had to live in. Essentially all the money that was made was payed right back to the factory owners. In other words Northern factory workers cried for help as much as southern slaves