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Though the Call of Muhammad(S.A.w) is Divine, but They were ignorant, proudy, and committed to their old customs an traditions and were not willing to compromise. As Social and Cultural issues are hardly compromised.

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Q: Why were some Arabs opposed to Muhammad's teachings?
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How did most of the Arabs respond to Muhammads teachings?

Some responded negatively such as Quraishi (the tribe the Muhammad was from)leaders. Many responded positively such as Abu Bakr the first caliph. Those who responded posetively spread the word of Islam far and wide which is how Islam became the fastest growing religion on earth and the second most populous.

Did Arabs create Israel?

In the general sense, no. Arabs, in general, opposed the State of Israel through war and bloodshed on numerous occasions. However, there have been a number of Arabs who did help to create Israel, primarily among the Druze and Bedouins, but there are some ethnic Palestinians who have actively contributed to create Israel as well.

Were people against Muhammads teachings?

Some people were because he taught that there was only one God, Allah, and some people in Saudi Arabia were polytheistic, believing in many Gods, and they didn't like being told to stop worshipping their Gods. In whole history, people around the world follow different teachings. Even in one family, one likely finds different if not opposing views about life. So, naturally, for every teaching addressed to the masses (said from Heaven or not) there are always people opposing it (even in matters said scientific) and Muhammad's teachings are not an exception.

Are Arabs safe?

Arabs are a type of people. Some people are safe and some are not. Being Arab does not have any effect on how safe a person may or may not be.

Whose teachings do buddists follow?

Buddha's teachings. However, it depends on the country and tradition. Some teachings vary from others.

Do Arabs wear modern clothing?

Sure. Some (or most) Muslim Arabs wear traditional clothing, but other Arabs - Christians, for example - wear very modern clothing.

What is an Arab place of worship called?

Arab is an ethnicity, not a religion. Therefore there is no place of worship which is suitable for all Arabs. Most Arabs are Muslims and therefore pray in Mosques, but some Arabs are Christian and pray in Churches. Additionally, some Arabs are Jewish, Zoroastrian, Baha'i, Druze, and Yazidi, which leads to them praying in distinct houses of worship for those religions. Finally, some Arabs (although few are vocal about it) are Atheists and therefore do not worship at all.

What are some of the Arabs achievements?

One is the Arabic Numerals.

What does the New Age religion belief about sexuality?

New Age beliefs about sexuality vary, but generally emphasize the sacred and spiritual aspects of intimate connections. They often promote open-mindedness, personal exploration, and respect for diverse forms of expression within consensual and loving relationships. This can include concepts like Tantra, energy exchange, and connecting with spiritual energies through sexual practices.

What are some Iraqi cultures?

There are numerous Iraqi cultures and ethnic groups ranging from the Sunni Arabs to the Shiite Arabs, to the Marsh Arabs, to the Kurds, the Yezidi, the Yarsan, the Turcomans, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, etc.

What jewelry did Arabs wear and what was the significance?

arabs wear almost no jewlery and if they did the jewelery must have been holy. or had some kind of value to them.

Are Arabs ugly?

No. Arabs are just as beautiful or ugly as every other race. See some pictures of Arab celebrities linked below.