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Q: Why were some southern leaders worried about the South and reliance on cotton?
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Why were southern leaders worried about the souths reliance on cotton?


Why were some southerns leaders worried about the souths reliance on cotton?

South was depending too much on cotton.And I think that they needed a new investment which would explain why they depended on the cotton.

Why was the confederate leaders confident of British recognition?

British textile mills were so dependent on Southern cotton.

Why did people encourage southerners to try new crops and make new investments?

Some southern were worried that the South was focusing too much on just cotton.

What was the cause of the Confederate leaders persuaded most southern planters to stop exporting cotton?

Because of the blockade the Union troops forced on the Southern ports. They did not want to risk the goods they were shipping to be destoryed.

The Southern Economy Rested On What?

the southern economy's counted on Cotton and Slaves . just Cotton and Slaves

The invention that transformed the southern cotton economy was?

c. the cotton gin Slavery was an invention too. It also transformed the southern cotton industry

What did the southern depend on?


What three crops played a central role in the southern economy?

In US history and in the antebellum era, three cash crops were cotton, rice and tobacco. Cotton was especially valuable as the North;s and the British textile factories milled the cotton into cloth. To a certain extent, the wealth from the sale of cotton gave certain Southern leaders a false sense of security. Some as was Jefferson Davis, were sure that if the South seceded, they would have British support as they badly needed the South;s cotton.

What was the major export of the southern states?

Cotton. Befor the Civil War, the Southern States were the world's biggest cotton exporters.

What was the principal cash crop of the southern states?

Cotton it is not cotton cool

What impact did cotton have on the history of America?

Cotton plantations in the Southern States brought wealth and prosperity to America. Great Britain was one of the biggest customers for Southern cotton.