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Anti-semitism or mal-treatment of Jewish people was not purely isolated to Germany or to the Second World War. It had been around for centuries before that in Mainland Europe as well as in the UK.

However, the atrocities of World War II in relation to the Jews were extraordinary and occurred across Europe because of the German people and not just because of Adolf Hitler. In 1929, the Wall Street Crash left a good many people impoverished and led to widespread famine and discomfort. In Germany, the German people were looking for a scapegoat and they found the ideal scapegoat in Judaism. Many Jews at the time were responsible for banking and accounting and it was a trade passed down through many Jewish families. Naturally the German people enjoyed the idea of blaming the Jews and so anti-semitism enveloped the people. When, in 1933, Adolf Hitler and his racist followers came along and announced that they were against Judaism and were anti-semitic and when he promised to made Germany prosperous once more with the abolition of German Judaism, the people elected him into power. Of course he was mad, probably, though not yet conclusively proven, because he had syphilis. Also it was not only the Jews that he had racist views against. He was also against black people, gypsies and homosexuals to name a few examples. He was against anyone who did not fit in with his idea of a perfect Germany and the Arian creed. And so, he and his comrades joined forces to form the 'Final Solution' which ensured the deaths of millions simply for these reasons. When people look back it is a popular view that Hitler was the real destructive power, which he almost certainly was, but he would not have had half as much power if the German people had not supported him and had already had the same view of the perfect German life themselves. Therefore the Jews were 'treated bad' because the German people were looking for a scapegoat for their economic downfall and elected a syphilitis madman to destroy that scapegoat

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Q: Why were the Jew's treated bad in world war 2?
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bad. Jews were treated like dogs. no one had any respect for them and no body treated them like humans. they were blamed for EVERYTHING!!! yes this is umfair, but there was nothing the Jews could do about it. the Germans could do anything they wanted to, to the Jews and all that would happen to them was that they would get a pat on the back. bad. Jews were treated like dogs. No body respected them, and they were not treated like humans. yes, this is unfair, but Jews were blamed for EVERYTHING!!!

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very porly, only the treatment of Jews was worse.

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they were treated very badly by Hitler but it depended on what country they were in for example he wanted to get rid of jews

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world war 11 hasn't happened yet, you mean world war II they were treated like normal citizens, it wasnt until Hitler introduced the master race and his final solution that they were exterminated and treated in a racist manner.

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Which country was treated poorly under German rule in World War 2?

Answer It was Poland on account that there were more jews there.

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