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their religious belief

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Q: Why were the Jews in diapora?
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Related questions

Where were the jews of the diapora living?

Almost everywhere; but the largest numbers were concentrated in the Middle East, Near East, North Africa, Europe, Russia, and (relatively recently) the Americas.

What does diapora mean?

This seems to be a mis-spelling of "diaspora".

Where are the Jews of the diapora living?

Jews today live in almost every country of the world, with the largest populations being in Israel and North America. Notable countries that have no Jews are: North Korea (and many rural areas of the Far East), Saudi Arabia, and several other Arab countries. Iraq only has an estimated 7 or 8 Jews living there.

What did the fascist party advocate?

jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jew jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews jews ejws

How did the African diapora start?

The African diaspora began with the transatlantic slave trade, where millions of Africans were forcibly taken from their homelands and transported to the Americas to be enslaved. This mass movement of people spread African culture, traditions, and heritage across the world.

What did people think about Shakespearean Jews?

People think they are Jews of course dummy JEWS JEWS JEWS

What are three synonyms for misery?

Jews, Jews, Jews.

List five of hitler's holocaust targets?

1. Jews 2. Jews 3. Jews 4. Jews 5. Jews

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

What do you call the traditional Jews?

Orthodox Jews or Torah Jews.

What are follwers of judaism called?

People who practice Judaism are called Jews.

What were at least three beliefs Hitler was against?

Jews Jews and Jews