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Welsh and Scottish people ARE British.

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Q: Why were the Welsh and the Scottish such a problem for the British?
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When did the British come to England?

The English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish are all British!

Do British people like haggis?

Haggis is not a British dish. It is Scottish. Many people get British and Scottish food confused as well as Irish and Welsh, but to answer your question, Haggis is not a traditional British food. It is a traditional Scottish food, but some English people enjoy the dish.

What ethnic groups live in Wales?

Welsh, British, Argentinian, Canadian, Scottish, New zealand.

Who were born in Britain are English?

no, British people are either English, Welsh, Scottish or northen Irish

Are English and British men the same?

English and British are not the same. English refers to someone from England specifically, while British refers to someone from the United Kingdom, which includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

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Why are Scottish people not Welsh?

Scottish people live in Scotland. Welsh people live in Wales.

Can you get a 1995 Scottish One Pound coin?

No, there is no Scottish One Pound coin. The 1995 and 2000 British £1 coin has the Welsh dragon on the reverse. The 1984 and 1989 British £1 coins have a Scottish design featuring a thistle sprig in a coronet on the reverse.

Ther people of Britain are called?

In general, the people of Britain are British. Though there are British people who consider that they are also English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland.

Britain is to British as UK is to...?

Citizens of the United Kingdom are all British in international law although they might describe themselves as being English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

What nation is British?

Britain does not have a national costume. Actually it has, its separated in 3 different : English, Welsh and Scottish. Read <url=>here</url>

What language is spoken on the british isles?

English is the official language although Welsh, Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic are also recognised.