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Simply to let the colonists know who was in charge of the colonies government and economic affairs - Parliament.

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Q: Why were the intolerable acts created?
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Related questions

Where was the intolerable acts?

Where "were" the intolerable acts? They were in America and King George III of Great Britain created them to punish the colonies.

Why did the colonis call intolerable acts The Intolerable Acts?

They were called Intolerable Acts by colonists because the acts were intolerable and horrible.

What is another name for intolerable acts?

The given name of the Intolerable Acts was the Coercive Acts. The colonists referred to them as the Intolerable Acts.

What is Another name for the Intolerable acts?

The given name of the Intolerable Acts was the Coercive Acts. The colonists referred to them as the Intolerable Acts.

The intolerable acts did not result in what?

the intolerable acts did not result in the

What was the colonists name for the Coercive Act?

the colonists nicknamed the coersive acts the intolerable acts..

What did the Americans call the coercive acts?

Intolerable act

What were the intolerable acts and how did colonists react to them?

Intolerable acts pissed dem off 1st grade answer

New law dictated by Britain to punish the colonists for the Boston tea party.?

that they where not allowed to go in to the Boston harbor

What did the colonists called the coercive acts?

The Intolerable Acts

Who wrote Intolerable Acts?

Thomas Paine wrote Intolerable Acts.

In what year was the intolerable act created?

There was never any Intolerable Act created. This was a name given by some colonials of what was to become the U.S.A. to a series of Acts by the British government that they felt unreasonable and unjust. These are properly known as Coersive Acts and were created in 1774