

Why were the loyalist be so cruel to the patriots?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The loyalists were loyal to their country (England), while the patriots were disobeying England's king. They had two separate views, therefor the loyalists did not like the patriots.

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Q: Why were the loyalist be so cruel to the patriots?
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The patriots separated family's and the loyalist didn't like the way the patriots are giving them freedom hope this is the answer u r looking for :)

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to spt on the patriots

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It is a matter of opinion whether a loyalist is better than a patriot. A loyalist is loyal to the government. A patriot is loyal to the nation. If the government is a good one, a loyalist is a patriot. If the government is not so good, a loyalist supports it anyhow, and disagrees with a patriot who would wish the replace the government for the good of the nation.

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Are loyalist the same as patriots?

No, loyalists are loyal to king, patriots want war.

What did loyalist do to the patriots?

the patriots were doing good . they helped the loyalists with lots of things.

What did patriots believe about the loyalists?

The patriots separated family's and the loyalist didn't like the way the patriots are giving them freedom hope this is the answer u r looking for :)