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Q: Why were the people in Georgia split over being Whigs or Tories?
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by highheels and lowheel issue Jonathan swift satirizes Whigs and Tories, wher higheels being Tories and low heels being Whigs ,

Where tories traitors to loyalists?

No, they were actually one in the same. The 2 main political parties in England at the time were Tories (conservative) and Whigs (liberal). The same 2 political parties existed in Colonial America only they were divided along different lines, the Tories being loyal to the throne and the Whigs (being the smart ones) wanted independence.

How cool is Georgia nethercott?

Georgia Nethercott is renowned for being special, and, as young people say it: 'being cool'.

Who came to the colony of Georgia?

people who were in jail for being poor

What type of colony is Georgia?

Georgia is a hard colony, such as people loosing jobs and being bad in debt.

Most Whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as?

Most Whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as republicanism. Republicanism is the ideology of governing a society or state as a republic, in which the head of state is a representative of the people who hold popular sovereignty rather than the people being subjects of the head of state. The head of state is usually an elected official.

What kind of people are in Georgia?

Georgia has the bulk of the population being Caucasians. The largest number of non-native whites are Englishmen and Irishmen.

What were the population in 1750 in Georgia?

what was the population of georgia in 1740

What was the conflict between the Tories and the Patriots?

The Patriots and the Tories were two groups of people during the American Revolution. The Patriots were a group of "rebels" against the King(George III) and wanted freedom and independence in America. The Tories were "loyalists", that is, loyal to the King. They were against independence in America and were proud of being British. They most likely just didn't want conflict with Britain during this time.

Was religion is practiced in Georgia?

In the 1700's it would not have mattered what religion Georgia practiced, people had the freedom of religion.

What are the qualifications for being a Georgia representative and a Georgia senator?

you must be legal.

Where is WrestleMania 27 being held?

Atlanta Georgia in Georgia Dome