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John Marshall was Chief Justice and presided over the court in the Worcester v. Georgia ruling, on March 3, 1832.

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In Worcester v. Georgia, (1832), the US Supreme Court decided the states (in this case, Georgia) had no right to redraw the boundaries of Native American territories, or to require white people to purchase a license to live on the land. As a result, the lower court decision convicting eleven missionaries of violating state law by refusing to purchase a permit to live on Cherokee land was reversed.

The seven-member Supreme Court, lead by Chief Justice John Marshall, voted 6-1 on March 3, 1832, to overturn the missionaries' convictions.

Case Citation:

Worcester v. Georgia, 31 US 515 (1832)
It was actually Worcester V. Georgia, and the decision was that Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Indians from being present on Indian lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.

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Q: Who was Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court during Worcester v. Georgia?
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Who was the US Supreme Court Chief Justice during and after the War of 1812?

Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the US Supreme Court during the War of 1812.President Adams appointed John Marshall in 1801; he served until his death in 1835.

Who or what is the head of the Judicial Branch of the US government?

The Supreme Court of the United States, as an institution, is head of the Judicial branch of government. The Chief Justice of the United States (colloquially known as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) leads during his tenure.Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., has presided over the US Supreme Court since 2005.

Who is the head of the judicial branch?

The Supreme Court of the United States, as an institution, is head of the Judicial branch of government. The Chief Justice of the United States (colloquially known as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) leads during his tenure.The current Chief Justice is John G. Roberts, Jr., who has lead the Court since 2005.The judicial branch of the government is headed by Congress.

It was during his tenure as chief justice of the supreme court that the court earned its rightful place in the balance of power in the national government by deciding nearly 50 constitutional cases?

It was during John Marshall's tenure as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that the court earned it's rightful place in the balance of power in the national government. During his time, the court decided on nearly 50 constitutional cases.

How many members are there of the North Dakota Supreme Court?

There are five justices seated on the North Dakota Supreme Court. As of May 2009, the members are: Chief Justice Gerald W. VandeWalle Justice Dale V. Sandstrom Justice Mary Muehlen Maring Justice Carol Ronning Kapsner Justice Daniel J. Crothers Unlike the US Supreme Court, where Justices receive a lifetime appointment, the term of office for a North Dakota Supreme Court judge is only ten years. Positions are filled during the general election of the year in which a particular judge's term ends; however, the North Dakota Constitution empowers the governor to appoint a Supreme Court judge for a term of two years before a general election must be held to fill a vacancy.

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Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the US Supreme Court during the War of 1812.President Adams appointed John Marshall in 1801; he served until his death in 1835.

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