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Q: Why were they significance of new England towns to the culture there?
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What are New England towns a model of?

direct democracy

What did New England towns look like?

Don't you mean why?

What are some major towns in the New England Colonies?


Did puritans in new England colonies prefer small towns or large cities?

They prefered small towns.

What is the New England textile town?

The New England textile towns refer to a group of cities in the northeastern United States known for their historical significance in textile manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution. These towns, including Lowell, Lawrence, and Manchester, played a crucial role in shaping the textile industry in the 19th century. Today, many of them have diversified their economies beyond textiles.

Where did the New England townspeople gather for religious services?

"praying towns"

Which colony had well organized towns?

I believe is both the New England Colonies & the Middle Colonies

What were prayer towns in northern colonies?

Praying towns were settlements in New England where Native Americans were converted by colonists to Christianity.

What were the villages where New England Indians who converted to Christianity were gathered?

Praying towns

What colonies were mostly made up of small towns or farms?

New England

Villages where New England Indians who converted to Christianity were gathered?

praying towns

Where are the towns of Wil and Glarus?

There is a Wil in England, UK and a Glarus in Switzerland. (There is a New Glarus in England, UK if that is what you want.)