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Q: Why were tsar and his family killed?
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Where was Tsar Nicholas II killed?

The Tsar was killed in the basement of the home of Nikolai Ipatiev (the House of Special Designation as the Bolsheviks called it) in Ekaterinburg (now Sverdlosk) Russia. The Tsar, all his family, their doctor and several servants were also killed. >>>>>>>>>>> Not All died that night. My family resided with the Romanov family in the mansion, my great relative just barely got away with her life that night.

Who is tsar Nichols ii?

Tsar Nicolas was a member of the Romanov family l and the tsar of imperial russia. He also had 5 daughters and one son. Sadly all of them were killed.

Who was Tsar Nicholas II of Russia?

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was the last Tsar (King) of the Russian Empire he was killed in 1917 during the Russian Civil War when he was ordered killed with his family by Vladimir Lenin first leader of the USSR (soviet union)

What happended to the royal family of russia?

Most of the family was killed during the Russian Revolution including the last Tsar and his immediate family. The surviving family were exiled from Russia after the Revolution

Why did Anastasia romanov get killed?

Anastasia Romanov was killed purely because she was a Romanov. When the Bolsheviks eventually came to power after Tsar Nicholas abdicated, Lenin ordered that Nick and his family were to be killed to end the Romanov dynasty and family line.

What happen to the Russian czar at the end of world war 1?

He was killed by the Bolsheviks during the Bolshevik revolution. His Family was also killed. Also they are the Tsar s not czar.

What happend to tsar Nicholas's family?

After the two Russian Revolutions, they were put under house arrest in Siberia. However, after the Civil War began, the ruling communists had the family assassinated so the Tsarists fighting them to restore the tsar would have no tsar to champion.

Who killed Tsar Nicholas II and his family in 1918?

Members of the Bolshevik Red Army killed them in July 1918 during the Russian Civil War. The Tsar and his family were being held in Yekaterinburg when their captors learned that a Czech unit of the Russian White Army was nearby and perhaps on its way to free him and his family. The Bolsheviks killed the entire family so that there would be no possibility that the Tsar or any of his heirs could be restored to the throne.

Why was a bloody Sunday a turning point for the Russians?

bloody Sunday was a turning point because it killed the people's faith and trust in the tsar (tsar is leader in Russia)

Why were the Romanovs killed?

Because the people of Russia were tired of the Emperor, so Lenin and his Bolsheviks killed the Romanovs. Tsar Nicholas II and his family were killed because Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks did not want him to be captured from Bolshevik custody and put back on the throne by the White forces during the Russian Civil War. A contingent of the Czechoslovak Legion was known to be in the area at that time and looking to capture the Tsar from the Bolsheviks. Lenin decided the best way to prevent this would be to kill the entire family, especially Nicholas and his son Alexei so that the Tsar could not be put back on the throne and his son could not be declared the new Tsar.

Who is tsar csar Nicolas ii?

Tsar Nicholas was the last Tsar of Russia, who was murdered with his family during the Russian Revolution

Why were the Tsar and Tsarina considered an imperial family?

Tsar is the Russian term for the equivalent of an emperor. They are considered emperors/an imperial family because that is what they are.