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I would assume they are important to produce his vital Aryan race.. But that's my guess. ___ There was a huge gap between Propaganda and reality. The official image was of fertile German mothers producing kids. In practice, there was a lot of pressure on women to work, especially in the armaments industries and to take up essential jobs left vacant by soldiers.

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Q: Why were women important in Hitler's plans for Germany?
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Who were important individuals in World War 2?

Important individuals in World War 2 were President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, Stalin/leader of Soviet Union, All the generals and admirals of the armed forces of the Allies and all the individuals who gave their lives in the war. Japan and Germany had important individuals too. There is a list on this location that you might like. it or not Eleanor Roosevelt was an important leader for the women during World War 2. She supported the women in the forces, the women at the home ront, the men in the forces and the minority groups.

What would it mean to make women eligible for the draft when the military does not currently have a draft?

The US military all ready has in place plans for a draft of women if/ when a draft is reintroduced. Women ARE eligible now in the eyes of the government, so they will be drafted.

What was the only country to use women as combatants in World War 2?

russia except there women look like men.

Why were women important during ww1?

Women were extremely important during World War I. Since the men were off fighting, the women were needed for labor in the factories. They also were nurses and drove ambulances to care for the soldiers.

Why were women so important to World War 2?

Women where important at those times because they where the only ones that new how to deal with medicine and when soldiers got hurt the women where always(50/50) there to help. and the women helped make the planes and ammo for the troops and if the women weren't there the troops will run out and die.

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The number of plans is not a relevant factor in these type of questions. It is the number of women that is important. A woman's plan or a woman's plans are both singular for the possessive. The women's plan or the women's plans are both plural for the possessive. Confusing, I know.

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no there weren't Jews they were all white American Women...

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The correct example of the plural possessive case is D) women's plans.

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There are tons of diet plans available and yes, there are low calorie diet plans for women also. Some can be found at: or

What are some easy diet plans for women?

There are no "easy" plans for woman or man. It all depends on ones dedication to dieting. One of the most favorite diet plans that actually bring grate results for both women and men are keto and Atkinson diets

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Rio 2016 Women = Great Britain Men = Argentina London 2012 Women = Netherlands Men = Germany Beijing 2008 Women = Netherlands Men = Germany Athens 2004 Women = Germany Men = Australia Sydney 2000 Women = Australia Men = Netherlands

is there a diet specifically for women?

There are many diet plans created specifically for women. Most prepared meal services, such as Nutrisystem, make different meal plans for men versus women. Many women's magazines have diet plans specifically for women, too. One example is Good Housekeeping:

How does this career mesh with your family plans?

yesw because women are a problem!

What are some diet plans to lose weight fast for women?

The website has infromation on diet plans for both women and men. Jillian Michaels is a certified personal trainer, so the advice is legitimate.

Where can I find information on a women's diet plan?

You can find information on diet plans directed specifically towards women at a number of places. Some of these include the Women's Health magazine, both on their website and in their magazine. There is also the TescoDiets website which features a list of the 15 top rated diet plans for women.