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Q: Why weren't the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 successful?
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How successful were the revolts in 1848 in eruope?

they werent successful they fought for their indepence but neveer won it .

Explain two reasons why the revolts of 1830 and 1848 generally failed?

The revolutions of 1830 and 1848 did not have the support of all the people. The revolutionaries lacked unity because workers wanted radical economic change while liberals wanted moderate political reforms.

In 1789 how were the people in Europe affected by the French Revolutions of 1830 and 1848?

They were impacted by the actions and the knowledge from the American and French Revolutions, on just how precious liberty and freedom are. It made people in other countries think on how to gain the same power for themselves and the other citizens of the countries in which they lived.

Who was the King of France during the French Revolution and who was his wife?

1789, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette. There were also successful revolutions against Charles X in 1830 and Louis-Philippe in 1848. So, paradoxically, of the 23 French revolutions, involving complete change of Constitution, that there have been so far, only 3 were directed against Kings.

What were the three major revolutions during 1750-1860?

Odd question. In that time, France alone had, let me see... 1789, 1791, 1792, then there's the Directory, the Consulate, the Empire, the Restoration, then the Revolutions of 1830, 1848, 1852... ten revolutions. Then the Americans had their little affair, and in 1848 practically everybody had a bit of an upheaval. Except the Brits, of course. Their last one was in 1688.

Why did the revolts if 1821 1848 and 1830 fail?

The European socialist revolutions failed in the face of strong military opponents that were able to oust the political leaders of the various "peoples" revolutions in 1848. Also, the leaders of these revolutions were not highly skilled leaders at all. They had high minded ideals, however, were not able to create an atmosphere to create and keep them.

What were the failures of the European revolutions of 1848?

Most of the Revolutions of 1848 were not well organized enough to have a lasting impact. The participants did not have enough of a common goal.

What was the only European great power that didnt experience revolutions in 1830 and in 1848?

Great Britain after Napoleons final defeat in 1812 the Great British Empire expanded and had political stability in them periods

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When did the revolutions of 1848 begin and end?


The revolutions of the 1848 Springtime of Peoples succeeded?


Why did most German immigrants come to America before civil war?

The Democratic Revolutions in the Germanic States in 1830 and then again in 1848 failed. As a result, a tremendous wave of emigres left Europe for the United States.