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Most of the Revolutions of 1848 were not well organized enough to have a lasting impact. The participants did not have enough of a common goal.

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Q: What were the failures of the European revolutions of 1848?
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Which european nation had a unsuccessful revolution in 1848?

There were several European nations whose 1848 revolutions were unsuccesful: Sweden, Hungary, Moldavia, Poland, Ireland and Italy.

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The effect of conservatism in 1848?

Conservatism in 1848 led to many of the European revolutions. Wanting to achieve a smaller government, kings were deposed because of it.

Explain the effect of conservatism in 1848?

Conservatism in 1848 led to many of the European revolutions. Wanting to achieve a smaller government, kings were deposed because of it.

What were the revolts of 1848?

Socialist/Communist revolutions in many European capitals. London appeared to be in danger of this, but it didn't happen.

What were the kings humiliation in 1848 revolutions?

The European revolutions of 1848 were a series of rebellions throughout Europe in 1848. Absolute monarchs at this time were humiliated by having to listen to the common people and forced to give up their political power, shift more power to their subjects, and accept Constitutional monarchies,

What countries were involved in the revolution of 1848?

In 1848 there were revolutions or attempted revolutions in many European countries, and in particular in: * France * The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies * Many other Italian states * Prussia and many of the German states * Austria, the Czech Lands, Croatia * Hungary

What countries experienced revolutions in 1848?


When did the revolutions of 1848 begin and end?


Why did the revolts if 1821 1848 and 1830 fail?

The European socialist revolutions failed in the face of strong military opponents that were able to oust the political leaders of the various "peoples" revolutions in 1848. Also, the leaders of these revolutions were not highly skilled leaders at all. They had high minded ideals, however, were not able to create an atmosphere to create and keep them.

Did the Revolutions of the 1848 Springtime of Peoples succeed?

By and large, they were failures. The one major exception was France where the monarchy was finally abolished, never to return. However, by 1851, Napoleon III had declared himself emperor, abrogating the Second Republic that came from the Revolution. In the German States, Denmark, the Austrian Empire, and other countries, the effects were erased within a year of the Revolutions of 1848.

The revolutions of the 1848 Springtime of Peoples succeeded?
