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Because litmus change color depending on the pH: red in acidic solutions and blue in basic solutions.

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Q: Why wet litmus paper it is used to cheque whether the given solution is acidic or basic?
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What is lithmus paper?

it is litmus not lithmus . it is a natural indicator . it is a strip of paper either red or blue in colour . it is used whether a solution is acidic or basic in nature. a basic solution turns red litmus to blue and an acidic solution turns blue litmus into red

When would litmus paper be useful?

It helps in indicating whether a substance is acidic or basic A red litmus paper turns blue in basic solution and turns red in acidic solution A blue litmus paper turns red in acidic solution and turns darker blue in basic solution

How is paper helpful?

It helps in indicating whether a substance is acidic or basic A red litmus paper turns blue in basic solution and turns red in acidic solution A blue litmus paper turns red in acidic solution and turns darker blue in basic solution

What are the common uses of a litmus paper?

The uses of litmus paper to find out the pH of solution. i.e., to check whether the solution is acidic, basic or neutral. Red litmus always turn to blue if the solution is basic. Blue litmus always turn to red if the solution acidic. They don't change their colour, if the solution is neutral. (7pH).

Litmus solution is purple dye which is is extracted from?

Litmus solution is obtained from lichens. It is used to test whether the solution is acidic or basic.

What determines whether a soulition is acidic or base?

just put a drop of solution on blue litmus paper. if litmus turn in to red color then solution is acid otherwise it is base .

Does vinegar make litmus paper turn red?

Litmus paper turns red if the solution is acidic and blue if the solution is basic. Vinegar is an acidic solution (due to acetic acid), and will turn the litmus paper red.

Are there any differences between pH meter and litmus paper recordings?

Litmus papers can only be used to determine whether the solution is acidic or basic. But from pH meter, the pH range of the solution can be determined.

Is there a way to distinguish an acidic solution from an alkali solution?

litmus paper

What gas turns blue litmus paper red?

An acid solution turns blue litmus red.

Why is litmus used as an indicator?

Litmus paper can be used to determine if a solution is acidic or basic

What color does a strip of litmus paper dipped in acidic solution turn?

Litmus paper is blue when dipped in an alkaline solution, and red when placed in an acidic solution. The colors begin to merge when you test pH neutral liquids.