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Q: Why when i cough my abs hurt and i can taste my blood why?
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Does it hurt to drive the car when the abs light on?

Well, it won't hurt you, but it might hurt the car. No harm in driving the car but if the need for the ABS to function comes up, it's not going to work.

What is abs basos in a blood test?

Abs bassos are a form of white blood cell that may appear in a blood test. When the abs bassos are high it means that the body is fighting infection or an allergic reaction.

When will ABS CBN oficially air personal taste?


Will it hurt a car if you wait because the abs and traction off light is on?

NO, you will still have conventional brakes, but no ABS or TC.

Does getting punched in the abs help them out?

yes, because when some one punches you tighten your abs so the punch won't hurt

Does getting punched in the stomach work your abs?

Well ,all of your air will be out and you will pass out , and it will hurt for a second.

What does ABS mean in a blood test?

The term ABS may be seen in a complete blood count to denote the absolute number of each type of cell (as opposed to the percentages, which measure their relative frequency). In addition, FTA-ABS is a blood test is used to detect antibodies to the bacteria Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis.

What are abs segs?

Abs segs deal with blood cell counts and deal with bacterial infection fighting but are completly unrelated to liver enzymes

What is Abs Eos blood test?

EOS ABS is a test that measures the absolute number of eosinophil's present in the blood. Eosinophil's are a form of white blood cells that perform specialized functions for the immune system.

What does high abs. segs mean in blood test?

High segs on a blood test is an elevated neutrophil count. It means that a bacterial infection is present in your body. High abs means you have an elevated white blood cell count and infection or leukemia is present.

What is Bassos auto abs blood test?

Basos auto abs blood tests means a measure of the absolute number (not percentage) of your basophils using a machine. This number, taken alone, has no particular clinical significance.

How do you get washboard abs?

Lift weights, ride your bike hardcore, and sweat blood.