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Because the plant is able to divert it's energy to producing fruit instead of flowering.

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Q: Why will the fruit develop after removing the stigma of a flower?
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What will happen when flower bud is emasculated n auxin is applied in stigma?

When a flower bud is emasculated and auxin is applied to its stigma than a seedless fruit develop. This phenomenon is called parthenocarpy .

Does the fruit develop from the stigma?

With the exception of plants that develop fruit through parthenogenesis, a stigma is required. The stigma is where the pollination or fertilization of the plant takes place.

What is the stigma's function and how does it do it?

The stigma is the ovening to the ovary of the female part of a flower. When pollen comes incontact with it the pollen sticks and then the ovary is fertlized so that the seed and/or fruit can grow and develop

Which plant part will develop into a fruit and which will develop into seed?

The flower becomes fertilized with pollen and swells into the fruit. The stigma (plant equivalent of ovaries) of the flower become the seeds if fertilised, and the rest grows around it. The resultant mass of tissue is a fruit. A plant part is only a fruit if the mass contains seeds. Therefore, apples and tomatoes are fruit, potatoes and strawberries are not. Bananas are technically herbs.

Can a leaf develop into a fruit?

No. A fruit develops from a flower.

Tube in a flower that makes seeds?

Pollen tube.

How do aggregate fruit develop?

several blossom on a flower stick together and develop in to a single fruit

Which parts of the flower develop into fruit?

its the ovary

What part of the flower cathes the pollen garains dropped by the insects?

The pistil/stigma (top of the pistil), which is the female organ. Once fertilized, a seed or fruit will start developing.

Would a flower be able to develop into a fruit without anthers?

No. Because without anthers, the pollen will not reach into the ovaries of the plant. Anthers are the male parts of the flower, and without them, a flower will not be able to develop into a fruit.

Look at the illustration of the flower. How many fruits and seeds can develop from this flower?

1 fruit and 5 seeds

What will develop as the flower withers?

Fruit. Once it slowly dies off the flower will become into fruit because pollination has happened.