

Why won't female rottweiler mate?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Dogs will only mate at the correct time of their season, normally between day 8 and day 15, but I would say day 13 for rottweilers upto around day 18 as their cycle is much slower than smaller dogs. A season normally lasts for 21 days, however if she is not at her most fertile point in her season, she won't be interested in mating, she will just be irritated by unnecessary attention.

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Yes the female Maltese can breed with a male Rottweiler, but it may hurt her. I say it may hurt her because the puppies will be too large for her tiny little body. The puppies will be too large growing inside of her let alone passing through her birth canal. You may say there is the option of a c section, well the puppies will still be too large growing inside of her. If you really wanted to see what a Maltese and a Rottweiler puppy will look like then, mate the female Rottweiler with the male Maltese. Using the female Rottweiler instead of the female Maltese would be a lot easier and safer, on you and the dog/puppies. The female Rottweiler has a lot more room in her uterus and in her birth canal than what the female Maltese.

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Have you tried holding the female on a lead so that the male is able to do his business Please consult your vet .

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The female will most likely die from birthing as the puppies will be to big for her to birth naturally, she will then get complications and be dead by the time your emergency vet has arrived to perform a C-section.

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Simply because she isn't in season ! She'll reject him until she's sexually receptive.

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Yes if it's a purebred. The sex does not have anything to do with a dog being a purebred or "full Rottweiler."

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When any female starts acting like that, your only option is to run for the hills. Tell your mate he's in for a rough next few years.

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Maybe she`s not old enough yet or maybe they are the same sex.

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Oh, this is just like me and your mom as always it wont work because of the female.