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Perhaps it is sick. Perhaps it is because it is a wild animal and NOT a pet.

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Q: Why wont my 12 inch baby alligater eat the goldfish i put in its tank?
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Is there a special tank for baby goldfish?

No actually. When I got my baby goldfish, he was fine in a large glass tank with a filter, a bunch of colorful rocks, and a bunch of decorations. Just don't put he/she in a tank with goldfish that are older, bigger, or goldfish that ur new baby goldfish just doesn't know because, believe it or not, goldfish can be aggressive. They can also be very territorial. I hoped I helped alot. Ur Welcome. :)

What do baby goldfish eat in a tank?

the shop has baby fish food that's what you feed them

How big of tank for 12 goldfish?

For twenty small (1-1.5 inch) Goldfish you should have something like a 30 gallon aquarium.

Can a comet goldfish fit in a 1.5 gallon tank?

Absolutely not! Unless the goldfish is half an inch and going to stay that way you are seriously hurting your fish! A comet goldfish will get very big! you need at least a 55 gallon tank for that sucker! Try raising a smaller regular goldfish in a 20 gallon tank. You'd be far better off!

How many goldfish can I stick in one tank?

1 inch of fish requires 1 gallon of water. Work it out.

Why is your goldfish at the bottom of the tank all the time?

Maybe your tank is not properly filtered and its water is bad. Are you following the basic rules of fishkeeping. " 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. (A goldfish is a 10 inch fish) Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week.

How big do goldfish grow in a 55 gallon tank?

Goldfish commonly grow to over 12 inches. The size of your tank would indicate that it is not really large enough for keeping goldfish in. The basic rule of fishkeeping is "1 Inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. Goldfish should really be kept in a pond.

What do I do with a little goldfish that swam out of the log in my tank we dont know where he came from HELP?

Its probably a baby fish

I have two goldfish both 2 inch in a 10 gallon tank. is it all right for them if i get a 29 gallon when they grow?


Is a 1 gallon tank good enough for 2 around 1 inch long baby comet goldfish?

Comet goldfish need at least 30 gallons each because of the type of fish they are (single tail), the fact that they can grow extremely long, and they produce a lot of waste.A fancy goldfish (fatter with more tails) need 20 gallons for just one fish, so either way, your 1 gallon tank cannot hold any goldfish at all.

Can fresh water mussels live in goldfish tank with goldfish in the tank?


What should you put in your goldfish tank?

It is important to remember to put things in a goldfish tank, even goldfish get bored. Some of my suggestions for tank decor are artificial plants and a "hidey hole" for your goldfish.