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When you responded, you refueled his supply. Any response would have been acceptable including a negative one. That will keep him going for a little while, then he will seek more supply, and contact you again. This scenerio will play over and over. If yu completely ignore him, he will be alright with the wait, until you break down again. The N has no sense of wasted years of this. They live hour to hour. Supply is all that is needed. That's what I suspected. But why is he okay with the wait? Is it that he is getting enough from a number of sources in the meantime? Does he not really mean what he says? The impression always is that he wants to be with me and he's just waiting for me to come back. It's good to learn about the scenerio playing over and over. I always think this will end. I have always assumed it would end when he gets married. I also wonder if while we were engaged he remained in contact with his other ex's? Do they do this with 'all' ex's indefinitely? His family (and others) confirmed I was truly "the one", so I never know what to think about this. A deception or truth? The wasted years concept rings so very true also. Thanks again! I know a N that married and divorced his first wife twice and married and divorced the second wife twice also. I don't think that they can feel regret. He probably does think that you are the one, but the tragedy is he won't act on it. A narcissist has a warped mind. Yes, if there is other supply, that will keep him occupied for awhile. Supply could be anything that makes him feel important like a class in something at a college,playing in a band,a parttime job, a friend or relative that just gives him attention.It doesn't have to be another woman.He just wants to know you will speak to him, even if it is to ask a stupid question for 2 seconds. That will hold him 2 weeks or more.This can be maddening. The only hope is falling for someone else to get over him. If you aren't married to a N, know that you are not bound to this relationship .Ask God to send you your husband and rest it that. relax My N. ex always could send me the most useless text msgs, things that meant NOTHING just to see if I could answer him.

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Q: Why would a Narcissist communicate love via email and text then completely ignore responses that reciprocate the love and does not provide hope for the relationship?
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