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Yes, they die. Don't try it!

why did u put that answer. if your not going to answer the question dont even type anything. apparently who ever asked the question knows they die they asked why they die when you put them in salt water and the answer is they dont have the proper organs to filter salt water.

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13y ago
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12y ago

they cannot live in salt water because they are not used to that environment. The water is different and they are not used to it. That would be like putting a human that lived in a hot place like Mexico, and putting them in a cold place like Antarctica (with no clothes, equipment, etc.) The human would most likely die due to the extreme temperature change and inability to adapt.

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10y ago

Putting a fish into excess salt water upsets the balance in osmosis, in which cells naturally try to balance the level of salt/other stuff and water inside and outside the membrane. If the fish lives in fresh water, and is dropped into salt water, its outer cells (eyes, mouth, around the scales) will try to get the inside of the cell to match the concentration of salt in the water. This will cause the cells to expel water (salt does not pass though the membranes) and they will shrivel up. Needless to say, this is often fatal for the fish, as this process occurs wherever it is hit by the water. It will live for a while before this occurs, so for very short periods (minutes) it can painfully live in the alternate environment.

If you put a Saltwater Fish into fresh water, the alternate case occurs, and the cells absorb water until they burst, so creating the same outcome.

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14y ago

they would die because they are not used to the big change

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15y ago

After a while it woul dieAfter a while it woul die

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15y ago

it would die because it is not naturally made in that water plus the water temperature if not the same as the original water temperature

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14y ago

If a fresh water fish is placed in salt water (Sea water) it will suffer from osmotic shock and die.

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13y ago

Endosmosis takes place due to difference in concentration of media and they burst when put in fresh water.

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12y ago

it will die because the water content is not the same as salt

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Q: Why would a fresh water fish die if you put it in salt water?
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Is a kingfish a salt water fish or a fresh water fish?

Fresh water

What kind of fish lives by the delta fresh water fish or salt water fish?

Both kinds of fish can live in a delta area. The line between salt water fish and fresh water fish seems to be getting blurrier. Sharks and other typically salt water fish are found many miles up stream in rivers that empty into the ocean. It appears that salt water fish adapt better than fresh water fish as the fish found in fresh water are not found out at sea.

What water balance problem to salt ocean fish face?

Lets See If This Answers Your Question... Fresh Water Fish have A Liver That Can Process All Kinds of Stuff From Fresh Water. Wether It Be Dirty Water, Clean Water, or Sometimes Even Slightily Toxic Water... But The Transition To Fresh To Salt Lies In The Very Word Itself, SALT WATER... The Liver of A Normal Fresh Water Fish Can Only Handle Bits of Amount of Salt, But The Water In The Ocean Is So Strong That The Liver of A Fresh Water Fish Just Over Loads and Shuts Down Killing The Fish... Thats Why Salt Water Fish Have Evolved Their Livers To With Stand Lethal Amounts of Salt In The Water... The Same With Salt Water Fish, They Can Not Process Fresh Water Because their Livers Are Only Made To Process Salt Not Fresh... Some Fish Actually Can Do Both Like The BULL SHARK, Salman, (not a fish) Salt Water Crocidile...

Is red snapper a salt or fresh water fish?

Crimson snapper (Pristipomoides filamentosus) is a fish of salt waters.

What fish live in salt water?

salt water crocodiles do, and can go from fresh to salt water at will.

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What would happen if a fish hat lives in fresh water was suddenly place in salt water?

It would die and so would a salt water fish in fresh water.

Would a clown fish die if their not in salt water?

a clown fish will die because it is a ocean fish and with out salt water , it will die in fresh water.

Is a kingfish a salt water fish or a fresh water fish?

Fresh water

What are fresh water fishes?

fresh water fish are fish that live in fresh water fresh water is what you would get out of the tap at home as aposed to salt water witch contains salt

What concentration would a salt water fish be if moved to fresh water?

it will die

What fish in salt water die if you put it in the fresh water?

Most salt water fish will die if placed in fresh water.

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If the fish are fresh water fish the kidneys would not work. The fish would die.

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Well it depends on the fish. If it is a fresh water fish then it lives in fresh water, salt water fish live in salt water.

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Fresh water.

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fresh water .my fish are 16 yrs old

Does fish live in fresh water or salt water?

It depends on the type of fish. If it is a saltwater fish than it lives in salt water, but if it is a fresh water fish than it lives in freshwater.

Do soe salt water fish die when they go to fresh water?

Not really salt water fish can adapt to fresh water but it will take a while.