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Someone will only treat you the way you allow them to. Only he knows the truth as to why he may be doing this but as I can only speculate there could be a few reasons such as: he may not know what he wants and is just confused, he may want to keep you around as to not be alone but is always looking for someone else, or he may just not want to hurt you and really does not want to be with you and trying to give you false hope. It would be in your best interest to let this one go and find someone more stable and that wants to be with you as there is no guarantee with this particular individual for any type of future and you shouldn't waste your time waiting around for what chances are is just not going to happen.

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Q: Why would a man tell you he needs some space to be alone but will come back to you and he says he will not be seeing anyone else?
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Sounds like a good case for ditching him.