

Why would a mother cat after 5 weeks eat a baby?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Because the kitten is unhealthy. Feel sorry for u that your cat has eaten her kitten :(

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Q: Why would a mother cat after 5 weeks eat a baby?
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How long does a baby cat stay with her mother?

About 12 or more weeks

When can you let a mother cat outside?

2 weeks.

How does the mother cat carry her baby?

A mother cat carries her baby in her gums. On her baby, there is a flop of fur called a scruff. The mother uses her gums to pull the scruff, making the baby hang from it painlessly. That's how they help their baby around the environment.

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How do you tell if your cat is pregnant but has already had babies 11 weeks ago?

normally a mother cat would not mate if she is still weening her kittens. meaning if she is still taking care of them. unless you have separated her and her kittens, she can then, mate. if not, she may still have the baby weight on... just like humans....

Is a cat actually ok to leave its mother when it is twelve weeks old?

Definately. When our cat has kittens we generally try to give them away at around 8 weeks.

How long it take for a kitten to have baby kittens?

For a female cat to be old enough to even leave Its mother, It must be 12 weeks old. For a cat to be old enough to mate and give birth, It must be 6 months old.

How old do kittens have to be to leave their mom?

Ten weeks at a minimum, twelve weeks ideally. Any less and they may have health problems and difficulty bonding with other cats. They have to learn to socialise - that means hunting, cat language and normal cat behaviour - and the bonds to the mother need to dissolve naturally. This happens at about ten to twelve weeks. You will have a pretty messed up, skittish cat if you take it away from its mother too soon.

How to deal with a mother cat's attacking you after accidentally stepping on her kitten?

It is normal behavior for a new mother cat. Keep away from the baby for now.

How long does it take a mother cat to bring her kittens out of hiding?

10 weeks

Why would mother cat not chew off umbilical cord?

A mother Cat would rather eat her baby then chew off the umbilical cord. i have been studying them for many, many years. I prefer them in a hot soup for lunch, but that's another topic.

What do baby cats eat?

They just eat the same food as adult cats eat; soft cat food. Before six weeks, kittens largely depend on their mother for milk.