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It produces biomass by photosynthesis

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Q: Why would a plant in a plant pot get heavier when it is just being fed water?
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What the density of water is equal to 1.0 gcm3. A substance with density equal to 2.1 gcm3 would in water?

The substance with a density of 2.1 g/cm3 will sink in water, as it is denser than water (density of 1.0 g/cm3). This means that the substance will not float but will sink to the bottom of the container filled with water.

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If you had the same volume of each material, lead would be heavier (something on the order of eleven times heavier!) than the same volume of water. That's because lead is more dense than water.

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Molasses is denser than water, so it sinks when added to water.

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It would make them heavier.

Can different liquids affect a plant?

yes. for example, some liquids, the obvious being acid, would kill the plant. a plant needs water to osmose and photosynthesise.

Why would a penny sink in a river?

A penny would sink in a river because a penny is made mostly of zinc, which is heavier than water. Because the penny is heavier than water, it sinks.

Would a potato get heavier if you place it in salt water?

No a potato will not get heavier if placed in salt water, and does it really matter if it does? Do not ask stupid questions. Keep it simple.

Would a tomato get heavier or lighter in a solution of water and sugar?

Neither. It doesn't absorb water.

Does cola work better in a plant then water?

No! That would kill the plant. Water is essential for the plant to live.

What is heavier 1 gallon of water or 1 pound of sand?

1 gallon of water is heavier than 1 pound of sand. Water has a density of 8.34 pounds per gallon, so 1 gallon of water weighs more than 1 pound of sand.

Why is saliva heaviery that water?

It is heavier due to the fact that it contains salts and other substances dissolved in the saliva. You would say it is 'denser' not heavier.

Does salt make water heavier?

No; water maintains a constant mass of 1 gram milliliter. If you add salt to the mix, it won't make the water heavier, although the combined weight of both salt and water put together will be greater than the water by itself. So no the water does not get heavier, your just adding more weight in the form of salt.