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Q: Why would an iron nail not rust in water and a chemical to absorb water vapur?
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Do marble chips absorb water?

No the water would drain around the chips. They would not absorb water.

Which pamper will absorb more water?

no it would not absorb the most.

Would a short or long root hair absorb more water?

A longer hair root would absorb more water. This is because it has more surface to collect the water.

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Root hairs help the root absorb more water and nutrients from the soil. The absence of root hairs would reduce the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients.

What would happen to raisins left in water?

it would absorb the water into the raisins to equal out the concentration within the water and the raisins.

What does ocean water absorb?

The number one answer would be salt.

Why porous rocks are not suitable for reservoir construction?

Porous rocks absorb water. Anything that can absorb water would not be good at containing it.

Would a tomato get heavier or lighter in a solution of water and sugar?

Neither. It doesn't absorb water.

Is movement a chemical change?

No, That would be a physical change....A chemical change would be for like example: Water Evaporting, Water Boiling, Water Freezing...etc

What would happen if a normal cell were placed in a beaker of pure water?

it would absorb more and more water until it will explode

What process would happen if you put a grape into a dish of pure water?

It will absorb water and swell up.

How does the sun absorb water?

The sun does not absorb water. It is a large fiery ball located where there IS no water, and so hot that water would turn to gas. The sun's heat causes water on Earth to evaporate, but it is not absorbed by the sun- it is absorbed by air.