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=Actually, Siberia is just a region IN Russia. It did, in fact, stand behind itself!=

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Q: Why would have Germany advanced on Russia if Russia had supported Serbia in World War 1?
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Why did other European countries become involved in the conflict between Austria Hungary and Serbia?

some countries supported Austria-Hungary (like Germany...) and some supported Serbia (like Russia...) and then World War I started...

Why did other European countries become involved in the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia?

some countries supported Austria-Hungary (like Germany...) and some supported Serbia (like Russia...) and then World War I started...

Which countries were bound to each other by which alliances?

Germany, Austria/Hungary, and Italy by the Triple Alliance!!

Who supported Serbia against the Austria-Hungary empire?


Why was russia drawn into conflict with Germany after austria Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Answer this question… Russia had an alliance with Serbia, and Germany had an alliance with Austria-Hungary.

Who supported Serbia when Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Russia was bound by treaty with Serbia, Montenegro declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germany declared war on Russia. France bound by treaty with Russia declared war on Germany, Great Britain declared war on Germany after Germany refused to respect the neutrality and sovereignty of Belgium. United states tried to stay neutral but were to threatned by Germany's submarine attacks on Trade vessels to Germany's enemies. Japan had a military agreement with Britan, so declared war on Germany.

What happened when serbia accepted all but one demand of the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum?

When Serbia rejected the Hapsburgh ultimatum, Russia supported Serbia, Germany backed the Austro-Hungarians, who invaded Serbia bringing the triple alliance, (Russia England France) into the First World War. The Ottoman Empire backed Germany and Austro-Hungarians to create the Axis. Italy backed the triple alliance to create the Allies, which defeated the Axis, in 1918. Canada, Australia, New England and other Commonwealth Nations supported England, as they did in WW2.

How did the dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia involve France in World War 1?

Serbia assassinated arch duke Ferdinand Austria attacked Serbia Russia attacked Austria because they were allied to Serbia Germany attacked Russia because Germany was allied to Austria France and England were allies of Russia, so Germany attacked France France was then in war with Germany

Who was allied with Serbia in World War 1?

Great Britain, France, Belgium, Russia. Russia backed Serbia. As Russia was allies with Britain and France through the triple entente, Serbia had their backing as well. Eventually, America and Belgium supported them too.

Who declared war on Germany in World War 1?

France Supported, Russia because of a pact they have made and are very good importing/exporting partners.But, France said that France will only support Russia if Germany attacked first .However, Unaware of the Russian-french pact Germany attacked.

Why was it nessesary for Russia to mobilize its army so much in advance and how does Germany react?

Because Germany declared war on Serbia, russia mobilized its army to protect Serbia due to an old alliance

What countries supported Serbia in World War 1?

Russia supported Serbia first, then when Germany entered the war (on the side of Austria-Hungary--the Central Powers), France and Britain joined in as well (on the side of Serbia--The Allies). Bulgaria joined in later (Central Powers), as did Italy (Allies). As it became truly a world war, Japan and the United States joined (part of the Allies), and so did the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers), and several other countries such as Portugal, Romania, etc. on the Allied side.