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Q: Why would it have been intimidating for john Adams to become the president?
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If the president in 1799 died who would have become the president?

John Adams (1735-1826) was the President in 1799, and his Vice-President was Thomas Jefferson. If Adams had died, Jefferson would have assumed the Presidency (as he did anyway in 1801).

How Did John Adams Become Vice President What Made The People Want Him As A President And A Vice President?

In 1825 the candidate with the greatest number of electoral votes would become president and the candidate with the next - highest number would become vice president.

What inspired John Adams to run for president?

John Quincy Adams NEVER ran to president in the sense this question is presented. JQA believed the office should seek the man; the man would demonstrate his unworthiness by "running" for office.

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Washington and Madison. Both Jefferson and John Adams were in Europe during the summer of 1787.

Who was the last federalist president?

The only federalist president I can find is John Adams.

What did John Adams promise for his presidency?

that he would be a good president

Pictures of Abigail Adams kids?

Abigail Adams was the wife of President John Adams, the second President of the United States, and the mother of John Quincy Adams the sixth President. Abigail Adams gave birth to six children in ten years time but only three of them would make it to adulthood.

Who would become president if both the president and vice president were removed?

According to the line of succession, the Speaker of the House would then become president.

If the president died who would become the president?

The Vice-President.

Does the president elect become president if the president dies?

Not until Inauguration Day, the current Vice President would become President

If the speaker of the House died who would become President of the United States?

The president of the United States would remain president until he died or resigned or was impeached; at which time the Vice President would become president.

Who said i desire you would remember the ladies?

abigail adams