

Why would one need an immigration lawyer in Canada?

Updated: 6/27/2020
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10y ago

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You might need an Immigration lawyer in Canada if you are seeking immigration status in Canada. Immigration lawyers are legally, professionally and ethically forced to act in your best interests and it would be at their disadvantage to do otherwise.

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3y ago

The reason most people need immigration lawyers while migrating to Canada or any other related country is the fact that they help fasten the application process, eliminate false allegations on immigrants, and also help a convicted felon through immigration to Canada.

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In Australia you need to be trained through a Graduate Certificate in Immigration Law and then be registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority. Otherwise you can become a lawyer and then register as an agent to provide this advice.

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YES, contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada for details.

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The degree that you would need to become a lawyer would be a law degree.

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You need to take an Immigration lawyer. But be careful. Most lawyers will charge you a lot of many and promise you magic's but at the end will have very poor results.

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Not necessarily; you need to see an immigration lawyer and sort things out.

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First one would need to obtain a work permit that allows them to obtain a job in Canada. Second, there are several places one can go to find work, such as Citizen and Immigration Canada.

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The process for immigrating to Canada is different depending on what category you apply under. In all cases, you need to complete a form IMM 0008 (Application for Permanent Residence in Canada). But before you apply, you should review the requirements of the different categories ( and make sure you have a chance. The process can be costly and time-consuming, and you don't want to apply if you know your application is going to be rejected. A skilled immigration consultant or immigration lawyer can usually give you a good idea of your chances before you ever apply.