

Why would people want to know about the quarter horse?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The reasons for a person wanting to know about something specific are typically varied. They may want to know for many reasons.

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Q: Why would people want to know about the quarter horse?
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How is a Quarter Horse different than a Throughbred?

The Thoroughbred was used in the developement of the Quarter Horse and it is still a big influence in the Quarter Horse industry today. If asked, most people know about the Thoroughbred as the world's fastest breed. But only for long distances. The Quarter Horse is faster than the Thoroughbred for short distances, such as a quarter mile race. Think of the Thoroughbred as a long distance runner as compared to a sprinter, the QH.

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I guess you would need basic items if you have a horse. A feed bag, curry brush, etc. are good horse items for horse people.

What is the most famous quarter horse sire?

Well... Go Man Go was only half Quarter Horse (The other half being Thoroughbred), but he was a pretty famous horse. He did Flat racing and was named World Champion Quarter Running Horse three times in a row, one of only two horses to achieve that distinction.During his five years of competition before he was retired from racing in 1960, he had 27 wins and brought earning of more than 86,000.

How do you choose what size splint boots to put on your horse My horse is a muscular quarter horse fully grown and I dont know what size splint boots to get him. Does anyone know the criteria?

I would recomend medium size. Im also in the market for splint boots, and I found the medium size is for horses 14'2- 16' HH or the average size horse.

Does Texas have a state horse?

I don't know if it is official but the King Ranch is in Texas. King Ranch was more or less the birthplace of the American Quarter Horse.

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Horse that are best for 8year year old girls The best horse would probably be a pony if she or he is short a forgd horse or a Shetland pony would be fine but, if the 8year old girl or boy is tall for it's age and looks like a 12year old I would try riding a horse. For a beginner don't go for the fancy horses go for the most know horses to begin with like a pinto, quarter horse, or a paint try to start with a basic horse first then move on to a more you know popular horse i'm still a beginner so I have a quarter horse who passed and a paint but, i'm more of an expert now so that's why I have a little of a popular horse.

Is a paint breed a good horse to keep at a farm?

The American Paint Horse is ideal for farm living. These horses are versatile, loyal, strong and sound and make wonderful companions for any horse lover. Paints are the Quarter Horse's colorful cousin. They share many of the same bloodlines and as a result have the Quarter Horse's temperment and 'can do' attitude. And I know this for a fact because I own Paints and have for many years. Once you get past their beautiful coats you will find a horse that loves people and one that wants to please.

What can outrun a racehorse?

If you mean a TB, then a Quarter Horse and a Cheetah are the only 2 I know of. If you mean any racehorse, then a Cheetah is the only one I know of.

Can quarter horses race?

The American Quarter Horse, or Quarter Horse, is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name is derived from its ability to outrun other horse breeds in races of a quarter mile or less; some have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph!

How much money is a is a quarter worth that says 1776 and 1976 on the front of the quarter?

yes I would like to know the price of the quarter

What horse breed should i get know a lot about horses but this will be first looking for a fast horse and good trail horse pretty easygoing with a touch of fire lol thinking quarter horse gelding...?

Well Quarter horses can be a good first choice but so can many other breeds including Paints, Appaloosas, Pony breeds, draft crosses, and Standardbreds.

What kind of animal is a secretariat?

Secretariat is a horse.His breed: thoroughbred. The only horse that's allowed on the race track. Clueless I once was to know the American Quarter Horse is the fastest horse ever, clocked up to 65 MPH.