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Q: Why would separation of powers make anti-federalists happy?
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How did the separation of powers affect the American government?

The government would have become a tyranny if there was no separation of powers

The framers believed that would be weakened if congress was responsible for choosing the president?

Separation of powers and the system of checks and balances

Describe the idea of separation of powers What would be two examples of how your lives would be different if the Constitution did not provide for separation of powers?

The separation of powers was to keep any one branch of government from being to powerful. If this had not been in the constitution one branch could become way to powerful and destroy the nation as we know it

Why might the antifederalists think the constitution would reduce the power of the states?

Because they feared that a too-strong central government, would wipe out state powers and individual freedom.

Group of people who were not happy with the constitution?

Not all early Americans were happy with the Constitution. Democratic-Republicans, also known as Anti-Federalists, opposed the Constitution because they feared the Federal Government would gain too much power... much like King George from whom they had just fled! They insisted the Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution to protect the individual rights of citizens, and asked that a very strict version of the Constitution be followed, allowing little wiggle room for growth of Federal Powers!

What was the separation of powers during the English Revolution?

i THINK that the separation of powers was when each branch of government were given equal power and none would ever become more powerful than the other.

Why does the constitution have a system of separation of powers?

The founding fathers put in the separation of powers because they thought it would be a power and corruption limit, restraining anyone from trying to become a dictator or taking over.

The Framers' most significant modification of the traditional doctrine of the separation of powers was to?

The most significant modification they made to the doctrine of the separation of powers was to make it so the powers of each branch would overlap. This was done to create a system of checks and balances.

Why did Montesquieu favor the separation of powers?

he belived it would keep government controlled and limited

Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers in Uganda?

The doctrine of separation of powers in Uganda is a form of government that is similar to the US government model. There are different branches. It was made popular in 1978 by Charles de Montesquieu. They believed that dividing the powers of government would secure liberty.

Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers in Uganda.?

The doctrine of separation of powers in Uganda is a form of government that is similar to the US government model. There are different branches. It was made popular in 1978 by Charles de Montesquieu. They believed that dividing the powers of government would secure liberty.

What did antifederalists thought states would be?
