

Why would some sell Jews to the Germans?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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the only example of this that i can recall is when Jews would turn in other Jews in order to save themselves

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Q: Why would some sell Jews to the Germans?
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Hitler did not really convert Germans to hate the Jews. Germany was already an anti-Semetic society when Hitler came to power and therefore, it was easy for Hitler to convince Germans to go along with his plans for Jews.

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The answer is no. Although Italy introduced some antisemitic laws in 1938, the country did not kill Jews.

Did the Germans feel sexually aroused about how Hitler treated the Jews?

It depended if they were Nazi's or not, but some Nazi's were forced into it. Some did, some didn't.

What was some things the Germans did to the Jews in a concetration camps?

basically anything that they wanted, whenever they wanted. There were some guards who exploited their power and others who did not. But ultimately the Jews were there until they died.

Why do Germans hate Jews?

First, there certainly was a time when Germans as a group hated the Jews, but it is not accurate to say the average German today still feels that way; most Germans are deeply ashamed of what the Nazis did, and there is little desire to repeat it. As for why Germans hated Jews in the past, they were taught to do so-- the Lutheran church, sad to say, had a history of being anti-Jewish, and since Lutheranism was the dominant faith in Germany, children would have learned all kinds of negative stereotypes about Jews and Judaism, and adults would have heard their preachers reinforce these "lessons." Jews dressed differently, ate different food, and they refused to accept Jesus: that was enough to arouse the public's suspicion. (It is worth noting that the Lutheran church finally apologized in the mid-1980s for its history of anti-Semitism; it is doubtful the average Lutheran preacher today would teach what was commonly taught in the Nazi era.) Further, in a culture that already mistrusted Jews and thought of them as different (in other words, not Christians, not "pure" Germans), that made it easier for demagogues like Hitler to blame the Jews for all of Germany's problems (given that Jews made up perhaps 3-4% of Germany, it is doubtful the problems had anything to do with them, but Hitler was able to persuade ordinary Germans that getting rid of "the Jews" would make things better). It is also true that politicians often seek out scapegoats to fire up the public, and Jews were a convenient group to blame, since they had been demonized and persecuted throughout Europe for centuries.

Did all Germans support hittlers plan to exterminate the Jewish people?

No some helped hide the Jews