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Cytokines play an important role in fighting some forms of bacterial infections. The cytokines basically tell the immune system that an infection is there so that the immune system can handle it.

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Q: Why would the immune system not be able to function with cytokines?
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What would happen if your immune system stopped working?

If your immune system stopped working, your body would be unable to defend itself against infections and diseases. This could lead to severe illnesses, recurring infections, and even life-threatening conditions. It is crucial for the immune system to function properly to protect your overall health.

Does radiation kill the immune cells or help them function better?

Radiation can have both suppressive and stimulatory effects on the immune system. In high doses, radiation can damage or kill immune cells, leading to immune suppression. However, at lower doses, radiation can actually stimulate the immune response by promoting the release of immune-stimulating molecules and activating immune cells. The overall impact on immune function depends on the dose, duration, and tissues/organs exposed to radiation.

Why does a sperm doesn't act as foreign to induce immune response?

Sperm are protected from triggering an immune response because they lack certain proteins on their surface that would typically be recognized as foreign by the immune system. Additionally, the male reproductive system has specialized immune privilege mechanisms to prevent the immune system from attacking sperm cells. This helps to ensure that sperm are not targeted by the immune system and can carry out their function of fertilizing an egg.

What is the system that helps fight bacteria and viruses called?

The immune system is the body's defense system that helps fight off bacteria and viruses. It is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from harmful pathogens.

What organ in the arm is not needed?

The organ in the arm that is not necessary is the palmaris longus muscle. It is a thin muscle located on the palm side of the forearm and is absent in about 14% of the population. Its absence does not affect normal arm function.

Related questions

What is the body's defense system?

It would be their immune system.

Do you need an immune system?

You do need a immune system because you would be sick and die

What organ in the arm is not needed?

The organ in the arm that is not necessary is the palmaris longus muscle. It is a thin muscle located on the palm side of the forearm and is absent in about 14% of the population. Its absence does not affect normal arm function.

What is the importance of the immune system?

The immune system keeps humans and animal from from getting sick . Without the immune system you would be sick and vomiting all the time.

Does radiation kill the immune cells or help them function better?

Radiation can have both suppressive and stimulatory effects on the immune system. In high doses, radiation can damage or kill immune cells, leading to immune suppression. However, at lower doses, radiation can actually stimulate the immune response by promoting the release of immune-stimulating molecules and activating immune cells. The overall impact on immune function depends on the dose, duration, and tissues/organs exposed to radiation.

What is the system that helps fight bacteria and viruses called?

The immune system is the body's defense system that helps fight off bacteria and viruses. It is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from harmful pathogens.

What is in the immune system?

The immune system is a system that protects your body from invaders such as bacteria viruses flu and other things without this we would all of died a long time ago.

What is the Life expectancy with babies born with no immune system?

it would die very soon right after birth because the immune system supports the heart and if there is no immune system, there is no support

What is meant by opportunistic infection?

An infection that develops only when a person's immune system is weakened.

Which juices boost the immune system?

There are several juices you can drink that boost the immune system. The best juice that would help would be orange juice.

What is responsible for fighting infections?

That would be the immune system

How does the respiratory system rely on the immune system?

The respiratory system helps you to breathe and if you couldn't breathe correctly your immune system would go down. That is how these system rely on each other.