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because of the amount of deit or crabs they had to eat to stay alive and to keep there route en

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Drake Rodriguez

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2y ago
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Q: Why would the introduction of wheat to a people's diet have helped them to live longer?
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Why would the introduction of wheat to a peoples diet have helped them to live longer?

because of the amount of deit or crabs they had to eat to stay alive and to keep there route en

How did green revolution help in Indian agricultural system?

Well the green revolution helped India by the introduction of seeds that yielded more crops per acre. This increased food production, especially wheat and rice.

What primary genetic characteristic of wheat dramatically helped wheat production in India?

Short stem.

What cereal grain is the basic food for more than 50 percent of the worlds peoples?


Which was the main food of the peoples of the northwestern coast?

Salmon, wheat, potatoes, livestock, rabbit, deer, elk,

What is the difference between Canada wheat and us wheat?

They are different varieties of wheat. Canadian wheat needs a shorter growing season and the capability to grow in cooler temperatures. US wheat grows in the Midwest where it is hotter and has a longer growing season.

How is wheat edible?

Inside if the wheat is called grain. In cereals it says whole grain, so, they use to wheat to make lots of different kind of foods. Hope this helped!:)

What was the first domesticated crop in 9000BC?

Wheat is the first cereal to be cultivated by man.

What are the benefits ofwheat?

Some benefits of eating wheat is that it is high in antioxidants, organic wheat is said to be tastier, whole wheat keeps you fuller longer, great for glycemic issues.

What were benefits of first mechanical reaper?

It helped cut the wheat in a shorter time.

What would the world be like without wheat?

u would no longer be able to taste the great taste of wheat

Mennonite immigrants from Ukraine are credited with the introduction of what crop to the Great Plains?

The Mennonite settlers brought with them hard winter wheat. It was better adapted to the dry growing conditions of the Great Plains than were the wheat strains grown there earlier.