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The bacteria in yogurt is necessary for the creation of the yogurt - those bacteria are actually what is responsible for transforming the milk into yogurt. They are left alive for you to eat because science is finding certain bacteria are very beneficial for your digestive system and can thus have many beneficial affects on health in general. You can read more about this if you look up "probiotics". Because of this, it is even possible to take these bacteria in pill form to get the benefits without eating the yogurt.

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Q: Why would yogurt makers put live bacteria in the yogurt you eat?
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Why does dead yogurt keep longer than live yogurt?

It's got bacteria in live yogurt

Is the yogurt alive?

No, bacteria inside it is alive but the yogurt itself is not, so no yogurt is not alive. Some people may think that it is, but yogurt is dairy that contains edibal bacteria, but the dairy, witch is the yogurt, is not accually alive.

What is a bioyogurt?

A bioyogurt is another term for a probiotic yogurt, a yogurt which contains live bacteria for therapeutic reasons.

Why is it that live bacteria found in food products like yogurt do not cause disease in humans?

because you have yogurt and milk

What is unique about yogurt?

Yogurt is unique because it contains friendly bacteria which are really good for your stomach and digestive system. Also yogurt can help you live longer

What does yogurt gives to the body?

Calcium, and live bacteria that help fight off infections and illness.

Why is yogurt incubated?

The production of yoghurt requires certain bacteria: these bacteria live and reproduce better at warm conditions. It's as simple as that!

What kind of nutrition beneftis does greek yogurt offer?

Greek yogurt usually has twice the protein and comprable calories to other types of yogurt. It also contains probiotics and live bacteria that help ensure a healthy digestion tract.

Does freezing yogurt kill the live cultures?

Yes and no. Not all yogurts are created equal. Freezing yogurt does not destroy the cultures. Frozen yogurt with the Live and Active Cultures (LAC) seal will have at least 10 million live and active cultures per gram of yogurt at the time of manufacture. However, the LAC seal program is voluntary, so some frozen yogurts without the seal may also contain active cultures.

Which kingdom contain organisms that are used to make yogurt and live inside of humans?

It belongs to the Eubacteria Kingdom.

Is it safe to eat unopened greek yogurt that was left out overnight?

yes... yogurt is full of l. balcari bacteria. they are able to live at tempratures of up to 34 degrees. the perticular strain will stop the formation of bad bacteria growing.. even at room temp! only yogurt contians the bacteria so dont try it with other dairy!

What are the benefits of yogurt?

Yogurt is high in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and contains live bacteria. Just make sure that the yogurt you eat isn't too high in sugar - some kinds of yogurt get the health benefits cancelled out because of too many carbohydrates and added sugars.