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You have a coolant leak. Look for an obvious drip or wet spot or have the cooling system pressure tested.

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Q: Why would you smell burning antifreeze 2011 Chev Traverse?
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Why would a 1998 Jeep Wrangler have a rust colored antifreeze continuing after a flush and a burning smell coming through the air vents?

Does it smell like burning antifreeze? Usally it means that the heater-core is going bad. If you do not service it it can be a lot worse. You will end up with Anitfreeze all over you passenger side floor board.

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Some moisture (water) is a normal combustion byproduct. Excessive amounts, with a sweet smell, is an indication of an engine burning antifreeze.

Why would your car smell like antifreeze when you get out?

if you can smell antifreeze, you have an antifreeze leak somewhere. you need to clean engine then look for coolant . it will generally pool on ground under vehicle unless it is leaking onto engine and burning off. note that the coolant will run so you may have to trace back to the actual leak. check all coolant fittings, such as hoses and check area round water pump.

Smell of antifreeze but radiator is full?

The smell of antifreeze is very strong and distinct, it does not take much of a leak to smell it. The radiator could still be full and have a small leak. I would check for antifreeze dripping onto the exhaust or on the engine block because when it is hot the smell is much more noticeable from the fumes.

What would cause antifreeze to leak on ground near reservior and smell like burning when driving?

1996 and up Taurus cars have a problem with cracking on the bottom of the reservoir. I have replaced the tank on all three of my familys Tauruses because two had hairline cracks that would leave antifreeze on the ground near the reservoir.

What would cause an antifreeze smell while engine is running on 2003 dodge ram 1500 with no noticeable leaks and cannot smell from inside the cab?

If you smell antifreeze, there must be a leak somewhere. Have the cooling system pressure tested.

What would smell like burning rubber in a 1995 dodge neon?

The burning rubber smell in the tranmisson breaking apart inside.

Why would a 1991 s-10 keep burning out o2 sencers?

Burning antifreeze via a bad head gasket could do that.

What does fire smoke smell like?

It would depend on what is burning.

Why would the inside of your car smell like antifreeze?

It probably has a leak, possibly from the heater core.

Why would a Honda Passport's heater blow cold air and you smell antifreeze?

Probably - your head gasket is blown. Antifreeze will be coming out of the tail (exhaust) pipe.

Does a bad camshaft sensor cause burning smell?

This would depend on your nose. A bad CMP sensor may cause improper burning of the fuel and can give a smell out the tailpipe. Will the CMP smell? Never. A Ford camshaft syncronizer will squeek and could cause a metallic burning smell.