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There are two reasons that I think of. One is that he realized that he made a mistake not being with you and wants to come back. The other is that he is just confused and trying to figure out what he wants and basically messing with all involved. It is your decision to take him back or not, but be sure that he is ready to really be with you and not just going back and forth. The answer that I think of is that he was "sowing his wild oats". In other words, he broke his comittment with you so that he could experience a relationship with someone else. Now he either realizes that he would rather be with you, or you are "convenient" for him to return to (until someone else comes along?). You are the only one that can read his motives because you know him. So please be sure that he wants to patch things up for all the right reasons, otherwise it's better for you to let go of this relationship now rather than later. P.S. If your boyfriend was sexually active with another girl, be SURE to use protection (condoms) for at least 6 months and have him get an HIV test (at the end of six months)(EVEN IF HE SAYS HE USED PROTECTION WITH HER). If he really cares about you he will do that much. DO NOT CHANCE IT!! Take care and good luck! He's selfish and untrustworthy. Think about it long and hard before you decide to take him back, because it's probably a mistake. I can relate to this very well. I was in a long term relationship for 2 years with a man I really felt I could marry. Well, things went bad and he started lieing and cheating on me. I completely cut off all ties with him. About six months ago he called me and wanted to be friends and talk about things. We have been friends and I recently seen him. Things between us are great (strictly platonic). I am now in a relationship and so is he, but he wants me back. My advice to you is dont give in too soon. If he likes you ALOT, but went off to be with someone else then that meant at that time you were not good enough for him. Honestly, I would play very hard to get and to the point where this time around you are in control. Do not let him walk all over you and make you feel inferior.

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Q: Why would your boyfriend tell you that he wants to patch things up between you now since he has been with another girl?
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