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probably allergic to high clorine or pool pH imbalance.

AnswerI'd check to see if she was allergic to chlorine or the other chemicals in the water.
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Q: Why would your daughter break out in hives when she swims in a school or public pool?
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There is nothing necessarily in the watermelon that would make someone break out in hives. They might be allergic to watermelon and this would be why they broke out in hives.

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Yes they can. I break out in hives if I smoke a menthol cigarette and the funny thing is is that I smoked a year until I broke out into hives and that was the reason.

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Because you're sick.

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allergic reaction

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Your vagina will break out in pus filled hives and you'll die

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you start getting a stuffy tongue and break out in hives

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Yes, it Can be in some cases. 2 times my daughter has had strep and in both cases she did not show the classic main symptoms of strep. She only had a horrible case of hives. No sore throat or high fever. Her stomach would feel sick no and then. After 5 days of the hives I brought her in and it was strep.

Why did an Australian school recently ban high hives and hugs?

because they are aLL MEN AND THAT IS WRONG

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A lot of different things can cause hives, including this. Yes, this can cause hives. You should see a doctor if hives continue.

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What causes hives on the bottom of your feet?

Hives is an allergic reaction. Stepping on something you are allergic to can give you hives.