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Chasing smaller goldspot plecos? or chasing smaller fish? Well, goldspot plecos can be territorial to it's own species when it's mature. However, they are mostly peaceful fish to different species. It is probally just territorial or something is bothering it.

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Q: Why would your goldspot pleco be chasing smaller?
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No. There are over 800 different species of Pleco, all of which are tropical fish and huge waste producers. Orange Goldfish are coldwater, and also huge waste producers, so you can only imagine the mess that would end up in that tank. Also, some species of Pleco will not touch algae or veges and may decide to suck off the slime coat from the Orandas, leaving the Goldfish open to infections and parasites. Once a Pleco gets a taste for slime coat, it gets addicted! So no Plecos with Goldfish!

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yes. Chasing storms. They occur during the summer, so the better question would be do they have winter jobs. Yes. Chasing blizzards.

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midwestern states in the middle of the us

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Why would goldfish chase another goldfish?

Some fish are aggressive when it comes to food. The fish may simply not have enough space, the fish they are chasing may be pregnant, and the others are chasing it in order to get her to "drop" (have the fish babies) or the fish they are chasing may be sick and dieing.

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