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Q: Why wouldn't you find a kelp forest near a coral reef?
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What is the similarity between coral reef and kelp forest?

They have the same material and texture

What are some kelp forest plants?

Kelp, Algea, coral, Marine seaweed and Sea grass are some of the plants and most of the plants that grow in kelp forests.

What are the 5 different environments in the sunlight zone?

Kelp forest, coral reefs, tide pools, those are three,

Does the intertidal zone have two main areas the shore on the continental shelf and a coral reef or kelp forest?


How do you get to kelp forest in Spongebob Squarepants in the yellow avenger?

first get to the jellyfish field then go straight ahead then you will find the kelp forest

what is the meaning of forestation?

a forest of kelp. comon. a forest of kelp. comon.

Is kelp around coral reef?

yes it is around coral reefs

What does a lobster do for a Kelp Forest?

It keeps the kelp forest polluted, dirty, not sanitary, and healthy.

What plant lives in the ocean?

the plants in the ocean are seaweed, coral, algae,coralline,sea grass, and kelp

What are kelp use from the kelp forest?

animals eat off of it

Name plants that live in the ocean?

Kelp and Coral

What are some marine plants?

kelp seaweed coral