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Q: Why you celebrate foundation day of school?
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What is the essence of celebrating the foundation day of the school?

because this day comes to celebrate and respect elder's day

When do us celebrate quezon city foundation day?

the Quezon city foundation day is 35th year

Why does Brazil celebrate foundation day?

because foundation day is the day chuck norris punched cody callahan so hard in the groin it rocked the very foundation of brazil

Why does you should celebrate foundation day?

remenber every important foundation day , keep in mind forever and remenber the person who set up the day

Why do you need to celebrate foundation day?

Foundation Day is a celebration in Western Australia. The day is celebrated in honor of the first colony state by the British in Australia.

Why do you celebrated foundation day in school?

A school is an institution that educates students under the direction of teachers. It is an institution that guides the students to formal education. A school celebrates its foundation to reminisce and to honour its establishment. They also celebrate it to maintain the school's principle, so that their teachers, staff, and students will be reminded of it.

How do we celebrate it?

we get no school on that day.

What is foundation day?

Foundation Day is a Western Australian public holiday. It commemorates the day that the first European settlers arrived in Western Australia and found the swan river on the 1st of June in 1829. So now each year we celebrate Foundation Day.

How do you celebrate Independence Day?

By not going to school😌

How do you celebrate menials day at school?

mutth maar k

Does Georgewashington have a memorial holiday?

yes he does thats why there is no school that day because we celebrate his day

Do US celebrate Columbus Day?

yes. School kids even have day off.