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Because its the Masters of Buisness and you will get a good job and a lot of money if you get the degree

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Q: Why you choose major marketing in MBA?
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How project management helpful to MBA marketing?

MBA marketing is helpful; it emphasizes marketing management as a handle when making business decisions.

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What are differences between MBA in Finance and MBA in Marketing?

There are several distinct differences between MBA in finance and MBA in Marketing. Some of the differences between MBA in finance and MBA in marketing are: different programs, and focus on different problems.

What are your career options after MBA?

The career options after MBA is very bright. The opportunity depends on your majors. A marketing major individual can do job in brand, digital marketing, online reputation management and MTO programs. The finance major individual can do job in auditing and accounts. Or they even can become financial consultants.

How do you prepare MBA marketing resume?

The resume of MBA marketing is prepared as the others are prepared. You just need to focus on the marketing related degree and experience.

Why to take marketing as specialization in MBA?

To get a good openion is the purpose of doing mba is to do capable of doing any thing .

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Where MBA are chosen for employment?

mba's are mainly chosen in a buisness sector,in marketing sectors..!!

What is mba marketing and what does it do?

An MBA in Marketing will allow you to do many different things in the field of your choice. You can be a marketing manager for a company. Or you could be a market research analyst. Two more options would be a brand manager or a new product manager. With all the options, an MBA in Marketing could take you in many directions.

Can you do MBA after inter science how i can do?

An MBA can be obtained after completing a BS or BA in any field. MBA teaches students important business skills pertaining to HR, finance, and operations. You can also choose to do an MBA with a particular concentration like finance, marketing, HR, etc. Always check a college's accreditation and background before you apply.