

Why you kick my horse?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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It bit my grandmother.

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Q: Why you kick my horse?
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Related questions

How strong is a horse's kick?

That depends on the type of horse

How do you train your horse to canter?

you kick the side of the horse and get it use to that

What do you have to do to increased faster speed on a horse?

you have to kick your heels into the sided of the horse.

Does the zebra kick back their legs like a horse to protect themselves?

Yes they do kick back their legs like a horse does to protect themeselves.

Can you get internal bleeding from a light horse kick?

Yes. If you think about it, all a bruise is is minor internal bleeding, or occasionally major. So, you would definitelyget internal bleeding from a light horse kick, although it may not be too major. However, if a hard horse kick can break bones, any kick from a horse is going to do significant damage to your body.

How do you increase horse power on my impala?

you kick him in the but

The horse can kick back but ox can kick laterally why?

You seem to have some bad information, because a horse can kick out in all directions. Belive me, i know, I have been working, and training with horses for 10 years.

What cartoon character had a side kick horse?


What are the aids to control a horse?

To control a horse - Squeeze/Kick - Walk on or quicken pace (Whether squeeze or kick depends on your horse) Gentle pull on reins - Stop Legs back and lean forward - Gallop/jump

How are horse dangerous?

Throw riders Kick you Fall on you and crush you

Why did your horse kick you?

he was mad when he kicked and afraid of me because I yelled at him.

Which would win A horse or a wolf?

An adult horse of any species can kill a wolf in a kick to the skull.