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Q: Why your kidney feels pains lesyness?
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What pains are normal in pregnancy in the first few weeks?

Feels like growing pains

What are the symptoms of back pains?

The back feels tired and weak, like it was sprained, and the pains are aching and pressing. The pains are worse when bending down or rising after long periods of sitting, but are relieved from gentle motion and walking slowly.

Does kidney give back pains?

Yes, kidney pathology can cause back pain.

Can you get a kidney stone while on dialysis?

can you get kidney stones while you are on dialysis? my dad gets terrible pains, sometimes lasting for days. someone has mentioned kidney colic, is this possible?

You are 26 weeks pregnant and are having what feels like period pains is this normal?

no it is not normal.

How do you know if your about to have a kidney stone?

Vomiting, side and back pains that won't go away and other things.

Would abdominal pains cause occult blood in urine?

A kidney stone ; see related link .

What are causes of right side pains in human body especially in lumbar?

They are herniated disc and kidney infections.

What could cause lower back left kidney pains after drinking alcohol?

it might not be the alchohol at all you could have a serious kidney problem and should get that checked out soon.......kidneys are a very important organ

What are some common symptoms of kidney stones?

The symptoms include blood in urine, pain when urinating and sharp pains in the lower abdomen and back. If kidney stones are suspected, it is important to see a specialist ASAP as there are procedures which can make passing the kidney stones less painful.

You haven't had my period in over a month and I'm having abdominal pains that feels like bloating Are you pregnant?

Take a test

Do people feel hell's fire when dying?

Hells Fire is symbolic of the pains that man feels for his deeds that have not been in accord with God's will.