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This is very common, although I dont think that the color of your hair is a recessive trait, for instance if you have two parent s that are both a brunette, like mine, you could still end up look me with blonde hair. It is a recessive trait to have strait or curly hair though.

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Q: Will 2 redheaded parents produce a child with redder hair or paler skin?
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No - blood group O is recessive, two O parents can only produce an O child. A Rh+ mother and Rh- father can produce either a Rh+ or Rh- child - Rh+ is the dominant factor. No - blood group O is recessive, two O parents can only produce an O child. A Rh+ mother and Rh- father can produce either a Rh+ or Rh- child - Rh+ is the dominant factor.

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Yes. A classic example being two o+ parents with a recessive - trait will be able to produce a child who is O- and not O+ like the parents.

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Yes. Blood types do not make parents incompatible.

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